
with a real distribution advantage

who we are

A new breed of Venture Catalysts re-imagining the impact of venture capital.


We drive customer acquisition via TV advertising with a pre-set CAC that is lower than your digital marketing.

what we do

what we do


And vest in our equity over time based on the volume of customers we drive to your business.

why we do it

Because profitable customers, not capital, scales a business, and we believe in a more equitable relationship between Founder and Investor.

why you should do it

Because it’s post-hoc dilution that de-risks execution and reduces burn. And you won’t find any other VC with a scalable advantage to accelerate growth.

areas of interest

Digital Health
Fin Tech
Consumer Services
HR Tech
Prop Tech
Energy & Climate

What our Portfolio Is Saying

"Forecast Labs experience in scaling subscription businesses is unmatched"

Arjun helps us brainstorm and problem solve like a true partner. As a result of our work together on product feedback we've improved retention by 80%.

Naomi Hirabayashi & Marah Lidey Cofounders, Shine

"Forecast Labs has been instrumental with our credit card processing strategy."

They've reduced our transaction costs by 30% and outlined ways for us to reduce transaction failure rates by 8%.

Because Market

"We never expected to run tv ads less than a year after launch."

Forecast Labs made this happen at a lower CAC than our digital marketing efforts.

Sarah Paiji Yoo, CEO, Blueland

"Forecast Labs’ has a unique program"

That created efficiencies that saved us 40% on fulfillment related expenses.

Jeremy Cai, CEO, Italic

"Our overall cost of acquisition dropped by 50%"

After we worked with Forecast Labs on test plans for funnel optimization.

Ilyas Frenkel, Head of Marketing, Dandelion